diumenge, 25 de maig del 2008


On the third terme we are doing an oral presentation about our lives. Here you can see the video of my oral presentation:

And here you can see the slideshow because you can't see it very well on the video:

dimecres, 7 de maig del 2008


Remy is a special rat because he cooks very well. One day, he lost his family. He decides to go to Gusteau's restaurant. He meets Lingüini, one of the cooks. Remy teaches Lingüini to cook. Skinner, the owner of the restaurant, reads the testament and he knows that Lingüini is the son of Gusteau and he is the really owner of the restaurant. But he doesn't say anything until Remy takes the testament and gives it to Lingüini. When the restaurant is very popular, Ego, the critic, goes to the restaurant and Remy makes a delicious dish called Ratatouille. He enjoys it a lot.

Why is it called Ratatouille?
Because Ratatouille is a delicatessen dish very popular in France and only the best restaurants make it.